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Using multiple Cloud Storage Providers

By default, the CloudStorage API will use a default storage provider based on the platform (CloudKit for iOS, Google Drive for all other platforms). If you want to only use once specific provider, you can globally override this by calling CloudStorage.setProvider() with the provider you want to use. The default static instance (CloudStorage) will then use the specified provider.

If you want to use multiple providers in your app, you can get a new instance of the CloudStorage API and specify a provider in the constructor. This can be useful if you want to provide multiple cloud backup options to the user at the same time, allowing him to backup his files to iCloud and Google Drive simultaneously.


import { CloudStorageProvider, CloudStorageScope, CloudStorage } from 'react-native-cloud-storage';

// WARNING: This will throw an error if the iCloud provider is not available on the platform (i.e. not on iOS)
const iCloudStorage = new CloudStorage(CloudStorageProvider.ICloud);

// You can pass provider options directly in the constructor, or use `googleDriveStorage.setProviderOptions()`
const googleDriveStorage = new CloudStorage(CloudStorageProvider.GoogleDrive, { accessToken: 'some_access_token' });

// Then, use the provider-specific instances
const handleSaveFileToICloud = async () => {
await iCloudStorage.writeFile('/test.txt', 'Hello, iCloud!');

const handleSaveFileToGoogleDrive = async () => {
await googleDriveStorage.writeFile('/test.txt', 'Hello, Google Drive!');